Latar Belakang PDK Selayang


PDK Selayang (Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Selayang) telah ditubuhkan pada 1hb Sept 1991, oleh sekumpulan ibubapa kepada kanak-kanak kurang upaya (pada masa tersebut dipanggil sebagai kanak-kanak istimewa) yang mana anak-anak mereka telah dinafikan hak untuk menerima pembelajaran wajib dari aliran perdana sekolah.

Pada 29 Oktober 2017, Pertubuhan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Selayang (Pertubuhan PDK Selayang) telah didaftarkan sebagai sebuah Badan Bukan Kerajaan (Non-Gorvermental Asoociation-NGO) dengan Pendaftar Pertubuhan Malaysia Cawangan Selangor.

Bermula dengan 15 orang kanak-kanak kurang upaya kelas diadakan sekali seminggu pada setiap hari Sabtu dari jam 8:30 pagi hingga 1:00 tengahari, dengan dilatih oleh seorang Petugas PDK (panggilan Cikgu PDK pada masa tersebut) iaitu Puan Noraini Othman.

Hari ini PDK Selayang telah berkembang pesat dengan jumlah pelatih OKU PDK seramai 84 orang melalui beberapa program iaitu Kelas Harian EIP, Kelas Harian LPV, Kelas Harian Pemulihan Perubatan (Pemulihan Anggota, Pemulihan Pertuturan dan Pemulihan Carakerja), Lawatan ke Rumah dan Program Rumah Kelompok (lelaki).

Kumpulan Sasar Utama:
OKU (Orang Kurang Upaya)

Kumpulan Sasar Tambahan:
Anak-Anak Yatim, Kanak-Kanak Kurang Bernasib Baik, Ibu Tunggal/Ibu Tinggal, Warga Emas dan Keluarga Miskin (dari lingkungan kumpulan sasar utama)

Kelas Harian EIP:
5 hari/minggu; Isnin-Jumaat; 8:30am-12:30pm.

Kelas Harian LPV (Latihan Pemulihan Vokasional):
5 hari/minggu; Isnin-Jumaat; 9:00am- 4:00pm.

Kelas harian Pemulihan Perubatan pula dijalankan seperti berikut:

Pemulihan Anggota:
3 hari/minggu; Isnin, Rabu danJumaat; 8:30-11:30am; untuk OKU dari keluarga miskin dan berpendapatan rendah.

Sabtu & Ahad pula dikhaskan kepada OKU yang keluarganya mampu bayar penuh kos pakar (OKU dari keluarga kaya).

Pemulihan Pertuturan:
2 hari/minggu, Rabu dan Jumaat 8:30am- 12:00pm; untuk OKU dari keluarga berpendapan rendah dan miskin dan hari 2 hari dalam seminggu dikhaskan untuk OKU dari keluarga kaya yang mampu membayar kos pakar.

Pemulihan Carakerja:
3 hari/minggu; Isnin, Rabu dan Jumaat; 8:30-11:30am; untuk pelatih kanak-kanak; 2:30-4:00pm untuk pelatih remaja PDK.

Program Lawatan ke Rumah:
2 kali/minggu; Selasa (2:00-4:00 petang) dan Sabtu (9:30am-12:30pm). Berdasarkan keperluan dan persetujuan dari ibubapa/penjaga untuk kehadiran Petugas PDK di kediaman mereka.

Program Rumah Kelompok (Lelaki):
Menempatkan seramai 4 OKU yang telah bekerja. (telah ditamatkan pada Januari 2015)

PDK Selayang yang ditadbir-urus oleh Jawatankuasa Pertubuhan Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti Selayang yang mana barisan Jawatankuasa terdiri dari ibubapa/penjaga OKU, Masyarakat Tempatan dan seorang OKU

Seramai 12 kakitangan berkhidmat di PDK Selayang yang diketuai oleh Penyelia PDK iaitu Puan Noraini Othman, (sila lihat
side menu).

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Too Much Fish Oil Might Boost Prostate Cancer Risk

WEDNESDAY, July 10 (HealthDay News) -- Eating a lot of oily fish or taking potentfish oil supplements may increase a man's risk of developing prostate cancer, new research suggests.
Moreover, marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids may also raise the risk for aggressive prostate cancer, according to the study by scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
"These anti-inflammatory omega-3s were associated with a 43 percent increased risk for prostate cancer overall, and a 71 percent increased risk in aggressive prostate cancer," said study lead author Theodore Brasky, a research assistant professor at Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center in Columbus, who was at Hutchinson at the time of the study.
Aggressive prostate cancer is often fatal, he added.
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish such as salmon, trout and fresh tuna and in fish oil capsules, are widely reputed to have health benefits because of their anti-inflammatory properties.
But this new research, published online July 11 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, confirms damaging evidence reported in two prior studies.
Just why are these omega-3 fatty acids associated with prostate cancer? "That's the million dollar question," Brasky said.
Omega-3 fatty acids may have properties that aren't well understood and in high doses could cause oxidative stress, which can lead to DNA damage, possibly increasing the risk for prostate cancer, he speculated.
Oxidative stress plays a role in other cancers, Brasky said.
Although omega-3 fatty acids have been touted as beneficial to heart patients, results of a study published May 9 in the New England Journal of Medicine found they didn't live up to the claims.
In that study, Italian researchers reported that omega-3 fatty acid supplements did not reduce death from heart disease, heart attacks or strokes in people with risk factors for heart disease.
"These fatty acids have been promoted as a blanket anti-chronic disease fatty acid," Brasky noted. "But nutrition is more nuanced, as is disease occurrence. It's about time we stop talking about foods as good or bad and no gray area," he said.
Based on these and other findings, Brasky thinks men should probably moderate their intake of fatty fish and fish oil supplements.
"We are getting to the point where we don't see a lot of benefit for heart disease. Some of the enthusiasm for these fats has been premature," he added.
One expert cautions that these new findings don't show a cause-and-effect relationship between prostate cancer and omega-3 fatty acids.
"All of these studies on associations, which is what this is, are hypothesis-generating because they are looking back in time," said Dr. Anthony D'Amico, chief of radiation oncology at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "It's not a cause and effect."
The study would have to account for other risk factors for prostate cancer before it could be considered definitive, he said. These include family history, age and race, among others, D'Amico explained.
For the study, researchers used data from the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial, which found no benefit from either of these nutrients but an increase for prostate cancer for vitamin E.
The researchers compared blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids in more than 800 men later diagnosed with prostate cancer with blood samples from nearly 1,400 men who did not develop the disease.
The difference in blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids between the lowest- and highest-risk groups was about 2.5 percent (3.2 percent versus 5.7 percent) -- a gap larger than achieved by eating salmon twice a week, the researchers noted.
The investigators found that men eating the most fatty fish and taking the most fish oil supplements had an overall 43 percent increase in risk for all prostate cancer, compared with men eating the least fish or taking the fewest supplements. The risk for aggressive prostate cancer was 71 percent higher; for non-aggressive prostate cancer, the risk was 44 percent greater.

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