Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 Cancer Symptoms Women Shouldn't Ignore : Symptom No. 1 : Breast Changes

You don't need to panic, but you shouldn't assume these signs are 'nothing,' either. Plus three ways to lower your risk.

1. Breast Changes

"If you feel a lump, you shouldn't ignore it, even if your mammogram is normal," says Carolyn Runowicz, MD. She's a breast cancer survivor and past president of the American Cancer Society. If your nipple gets scaly or starts flaking, that could indicate Paget’s disease of the nipple, which is linked to an underlying cancer in about 95% of cases. Any milky or bloody nipple discharge should also be checked out. 
Dimpling of the skin over the breast, particularly if it looks like the skin on an orange, "is something to be worried about," Karlan says. Such dimpling is most often linked to inflammatory breast cancer, a rare, usually aggressive cancer characterized also by swollen, hot, red breasts. 
Expect your doctor to do a breast exam and medical history, followed by a mammogram and most likely a sonogram. Depending on the results of both tests, your doctor might do a biopsy. 

1 comment:

  1. lari topik sket.... saya rasa tak ramai yang menyedari betapa pentingnya menjaga kesihatan diri sendiri. ini boleh di lihat berdasarkan jenis pemakanan, kurangnya amalan bersenam serta malasnya nak ke hospital untuk buat medical checkup. bagaimanapun contoh ini berdasarkan diri saya sendiri...
